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About Us

Scott O'Bar

Scott O’Bar

A California native. Bilingual in Spanish and English. Scott has been living on and off in Peru since 2014. He is certified in Permaculture design and holds a degree in Environmental Horticulture. Scott is the author of the book, Alternative Crops for Drylands: Proactively Adapting to Climate Change and Water Shortages.

Windy Reategui

Windy Patricia Huaman Reategui

A natural-born Peruvian citizen from the San Martin region. Bilingual in Spanish and English. Windy is a dual citizen of the USA and Peru. She holds a degree in accounting and is familiar with Peruvian business culture.

Our Services

Whether you would like to start an agribusiness venture in this area or just create an off the grid self-sustaining little tropical paradise for yourself, we can help you with your plans.

  • Land location and purchase negotiation services
  • Reliable vendors
  • Tropical planting consultation, support, and workers
  • Permaculture assistance
  • Property management

Contact us to find out more.

Map of Peru   Map of San Martin Region